I’m worried they’ll rely too heavily on CGI and I’m carrying it all in my shoulders.” Just thinking about the new Star Wars sequel. So, when Friday night rolls around and your friends are pressuring you to go to a crowded club and do all of the things that entails and you hate, don’t be afraid to stay home and embrace that leisure wear life.
#Ben parks and rec mac#
Sure, he’ll compromise with Leslie and make the occasional mac & cheese pizza instead of calzones, but Ben’s not going to conform for the sake of fitting in. Ben likes what he likes, and while it may sometimes be embraced with some sheepishness, he’s not going to force himself to be something he’s not. What started out as a joke eventually led to the admission that a night at (your mom’s) home sounds pretty great. I’ll just put on my Star Wars pajamas and sit in my mom’s basement and pour over some spreadsheets. So, the next time you feel a canon rant coming on, just embrace it and endure the possible eye rolls.

Still, like most nerds, Ben’s heart is in the right place when correcting Ann’s (Rashida Jones) understanding of Westeros’ magic. The insatiable desire to ensure that whoever you’re discussing understands all the finer details of Middle-earth politics or what actually constitutes a parsec unites us all, even if it makes us look a little bit insufferable.

No matter their creative persuasion, the thing that unites all nerds is pedantry. “I don’t even have time to tell you how wrong you are. Embrace your love of science fiction and political role-playing, ya freaks! The next time someone gives you a hard time about your dream of creating the next great table top game, channel your inner Tall Tyrion Lannister and embrace your love of all things nerdy by thinking to these Ben Wyatt moments.

No longer are the geekily inclined among us relegated to Loserville unless they give up their passions. Honestly, Ben Wyatt is an inspiration to nerds everywhere. Yes, Ben had his moments of social awkwardness, but he’s great at his job, finds a beautiful partnership with Leslie Knope (Amy Poehler), builds meaningful friendships, and finds a great nerd/life balance. While most fans of Star Trek and Game of Thrones are portrayed as the garden variety loser a la The Big Bang Theory, the creators of Parks and Recreation decided to go a slightly different route. In some ways, Ben Wyatt (Adam Scott) was a revolutionary character for the nerd community.